Uncommon Recipe - How to Cram for a Final Exam | Teen Ink

Uncommon Recipe - How to Cram for a Final Exam

January 5, 2016
By Dsterny5 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Dsterny5 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A carton of sharpened pencils
A dap of large erasers
A pile of beat-up textbooks
A mound of notes
One graphing calculator
An ocean of hot coffee
A vial of aspirin
Two bloodshot eyes
A heap of tissues

First, take the sharpened pencils and erasers and combine them in one large desk. Next, slowly stir in your textbooks and notes. Add in a pinch of calculator for added flavor. On a separate table or desk, brew at least three cups of coffee (Amount may depend on time studying and user preferences). Now place the aspirin next to you. You will know when to add it in. Combine all ingredients above and bake for a predetermined period of time. After, baking it is time to cool down. Now sprinkle in two bloodshot eyes and layer on the tissues, so you can cry yourself to sleep.

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