You Said You Loved Me | Teen Ink

You Said You Loved Me

January 13, 2016
By Isabelle_B BRONZE, Edinburgh, Indiana
Isabelle_B BRONZE, Edinburgh, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile that it happened."

You Said You Loved Me...
Has anyone ever made you feel like you were walking on air?
How about making you feel like you could do anything?
Could he make you happy when you were sad?
Did he give you the best hugs?
Was he there for you when you sang on stage?
Did you lie awake at night thinking about the special someone?
Did he give the best kisses?
Did you have picnics?
Was he there for you when you were sad?
Did you have your first date in the snow?
Or on a dock?
Did he hold your hand?
Did he make you feel safe?
He said he loved you, then he left
He said he would never  leave
You two could conquer anything.
Now, you just have those special memories
You ask yourself what you did wrong
And you go on with your days, crushed
You said you loved me, then you left...

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece was I was going through a hard break-up and I needed to write my pain. I wrote this out of sheer emotion. I hope people will feel emotional and see the visual scenes in this poem/short story. 

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