Facke | Teen Ink


January 8, 2016
By L.A.Xaviera BRONZE, Trenton, South Carolina
L.A.Xaviera BRONZE, Trenton, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You are what you make of your self."

Plastic and hallow,
Unloyal and two faced,
With a grin on one side
But is covered with toothpaste.
Friendly in your face,
Then stabs you in the back,
Untrustworthy of my friendship you lay
In a bed full of hatred;
However, happiness is on display.
Trusting too many,
Word travels like a diease.
My faith in you isn't the size of a mustard seed.
You're as fake as Barbie,
Plastic you may not seem,
Loyal is something you're not.
Two faced...that says a lot.

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