When Winter Comes | Teen Ink

When Winter Comes

January 31, 2016
By ilh.1 SILVER, Lighthouse Point, Florida
ilh.1 SILVER, Lighthouse Point, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The secret rain

When winter comes
Drips in my soul
Beneath a bare tree

Once warm shade
Now Earth’s frost
Not a bird in sight
Just dusk climbing near

A blanket of ice
Coats my path home
So I wander the wind
And brave the dark eve.

I long for a vine
To guide my wander
Or vivid colors
To replace the gloom.

The secret rain
When winter comes
Brings colorless beads
From a dim navy sky.

I yearn for the spring
Or a violet flower
Or a blushing berry
Fresh from the land

I’m lost in the thick now
Knee-deep in snow
Carving my path
In an aimless frenzy.

I’m not making a dent
So I halt my stroll
To enjoy the rain
Of winter’s dark.

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This article has 1 comment.

sls383 said...
on Feb. 28 2016 at 4:48 pm
Very well written! I feel like I am in the snow with you.