My Core Values | Teen Ink

My Core Values

February 9, 2016
By Vinnie_M GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Vinnie_M GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from giving spare time to family,

    eating hotdogs at Brewers games and fishing with Dad.

Relationships and experiences I won’t forget...

I am from a laidback lifestyle,

    with parents preaching “Doing your best is all you can do.”

Not scared to fail and not worrying about expectations...

I’m from giving thought, time, and care to others,

giving my grandfather a place to stay and trying to help others.

Being loving and being kind...

I am from lasting friendships,

    being a part of lifelong bonds of trust with close friends.

Being friendly and trustworthy...

I’m from independence,

    working towards owning a company, and learning how to achieve that goal.

Being challenged yet optimistic.

I am from finding quality time for family,

    eating hotdogs at Brewers games and fishing with Dad.

Relationships and experiences I hold close to my heart.

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