My Fairy Tail, | Teen Ink

My Fairy Tail,

February 21, 2016
By Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
182 articles 13 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are always feeling every emotion, but only a few are screaming."

August 18th you came in to my life,
You stared at me with your emerald eyes,
Your ombre stripes down your tail,
Little cappuccino spot round your nose,
When you laugh it’s like an espresso,
Your name for a while was coffee,
You sure are glad we did not change it to Raspberry Toffee,
You almost chocked when you got in to the fruit,
You sure can jump along the way,
I love you more then I could ever stay,
Clumsiest cat I have ever mat,
A dare devil you are fits you so well,
You almost fall overtime you walk above the stair well,
When we take the train to New York,
You sure will give my tiny apartment a distinct smell,
You have no fears with you it is just crystal mirrors of opportunity,
Fly high, but make sure you land somewhere safe,
I love you,
My seekers cape,
Promise not to knock down my trophy again,
It kinda hurt my head,
Rest well,
You sleepy head,
It is a struggle to write this,
You always want to cuddle,
Right now you are trying to lie down on my keyboard,
I hear meows from your mouth,
“It’s 8:00 can we get out and downstairs with the crowd?”
Knocked my headband off the dresser,
Guess I should re fill your water,
Every person needs that crazy fairytale,
Instead I found a fairy tail,
The rainbow just keeps getting closer to the sunset.

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