Last Man Standing | Teen Ink

Last Man Standing

February 29, 2016
By Matt Gencay BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
Matt Gencay BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are no other ones
They’re all gone,
Lost on the field of battle.
He sent them off with a swan song.
All he had before was a family,
And a band of brothers.
And they themselves had families
With sons, daughters, fathers and mothers.
12 hours passed and life changed.
His mind, his life, his soul
All exchanged
For a badge and a medal next to his name.
The story, the glory and the courage
Never rang a bell for that man.
For all he had was a loaded gun
With the attachment of fright.
Horror cast over his body
Forever permanent after that dark night.
The encounter is fresh in his mind to this day
With grim flashes and sensations.
Visions still haunt this man about his decisions
And for that
All we have for that man,
Are some ribbons.

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