Life Kills | Teen Ink

Life Kills

March 2, 2016
By kelsiewll SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
kelsiewll SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No, this isn’t a poem about love,
This isn’t a poem about butterflies.
Also isn’t a poem about smiles.

No, this isn’t a poem about hate.
This isn’t poem isn’t about disinterest.
Also isn’t a poem about frowns.

I can tell you that this poem is about life,
but not just one.
More like two lives on my shoulders-
one that isn’t mine.
Threats spitting into my own head.

Worrying constantly,
Walking on eggshells at all times.
He had a screwed up mind-
made me feel worthless.

This poem is definitely not about
This poem is definitely not about
This poem is about

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