Green Light (based on The Great Gatsby) | Teen Ink

Green Light (based on The Great Gatsby)

March 20, 2016
By itsmeeeeeeeeeeee GOLD, Weston, Florida
itsmeeeeeeeeeeee GOLD, Weston, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I arrived in West Egg to pursue a new labor,
Little did I know I had a mysterious neighbor.
He threw extravagant parties every night;
Someday I was hoping to receive an invite.
Jay Gatsby was his name,
but my invitation never came.

I met with family, Daisy and Tom one day,
Who introduced me to a girl I wished would stay.
She told me some news that I hoped wasn’t real,
Tom was having an affair; this was a big deal!

I finally received my anticipated invitation,
surprisingly my lover Jordan was at the location.
I was flabbergasted when we met the host;
Gatsby had an amazing house on the coast.

He told us he used to know my beloved cousin Daisy,
He loves her but doesn't want her to think hes crazy.
He sees the green light from her house across the bay,
and has been throwing these parties for her everyday.

I invited Daisy over for tea one beautiful afternoon,
Gatsby came over and they rekindled their love soon.
their love would quickly be demolished;
Tom found out and wanted it abolished.

Although Tom was cheating, too,
He couldn’t bear to see the view.
He decided to make a confrontation,
and started making up information.

He lied that Gatsby made his money illegally,
and Daisy went running back to Tom speedily.
While trying to take a stand,
Tom sent her back to her man.

News came that Gatsby’s car hit Myrtle, Tom’s lover,
Who was driving the car, was what they needed to discover.
Gatsby told me Daisy was driving the car that day;
He wasn’t going to let her go to jail that way.

Gatsby went and took the blame,
this directed the events that came-
Myrtle’s husband assumed Gatsby was her lover,
He shot him dead without a chance to recover.

After that, the man, George shot himself, too,
I had a mini funeral for Gatsby nobody knew.
I became disgusted of my life with the wealthy;
Living here any longer couldn’t be healthy.

I thought Gatsby’s dreams were what made him great,
but actually they are what lead him to his sad fate.
even when I thought happiness could arise;
in the end, everything was ruined by lies.

The author's comments:

I love Great Gatsby! It teaches a great lesson in life. 

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