The Last Lunch (79 AD Pompeii) | Teen Ink

The Last Lunch (79 AD Pompeii)

March 18, 2016
By Vinnie_M GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Vinnie_M GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sun rays shine on the home.

A family of four,

enjoying their lunch...

A rumbling sensation

echos through their home.

It startles the family, but not enough to run.

First came the ashes, then pieces of pumice.

Then arrived more ashes, clogging the air.

Less and less hope for the family to bear.

Dark clouds begin to form,

then approached the blistering poison gas.

Pulverised rock encase the home.

A family’s half eaten lunch,

still on the table...


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