Goodbye | Teen Ink


March 24, 2016
By j.wilson BRONZE, Springville, Utah
j.wilson BRONZE, Springville, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Looking in the mailbox to see what you dreaded
Feeling as if you had just been stabbed
The waiting of excitement and sadness kills you
The words come out too fast
The world spins around you too quickly
The days are in fast forward
You wish they would stop

The talk and the last few days leave you
The tears join you as you kick them out
Suitcases and bags make a mountain
The mountain moves to where you wish it wouldn’t
But somehow you follow the mountain
The car that you love you now hate
The person you hated you now love

That feeling you get
When you step out of the car
Your hands shake and tremble
Your stomach knots up as if you were on a roller coaster
Your feet are stuck as if they were glued to the ground
The warmth of that last hug
The hands gripped around you tightly
Tears that slide down your face

Seeing a hundred black dots
But not yours
Your dot is gone, out of sight
You search to find your one dot
But you can’t, it’s gone
Tears swarm you, but you can’t do anything
You're stuck, being attacked
In the back of your mind you’re only thinking
730 days

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this about my brothers leaving on their LDS missions. It was one of the hardest things I've had to do in my life and figured I mine as well write about it because it created so much emotion and feeling for me. 

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