The Sophic Forest | Teen Ink

The Sophic Forest

April 4, 2016
By Faithlynn GOLD, Tomahawk, Wisconsin
Faithlynn GOLD, Tomahawk, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love.
-Emma Watson

The grass welcomes steps like a soft cushion,
Temperate air wafting around,
An invite to bask in the sight of undominated peace.
Doll’s eyes stare up with hope of the lounging sun,
While Bluebells point the way.
Velvet scents trickle across memories,
Like the approving dirt beneath feet.
Elders trace the route with their arms,
Old and withered from the mother herself.
A clearing gives away into the earth,
As water cascades from everlasting flowage,
Trickles down the precious minerals,
To pool for its picturesque onlookers.
Youthful warblers picnic onto the lingering water,
While a tanager speculates from a lone branch above.
Their twitters leaking into the progressive dribble.
Serenity speaks for the falls,
And stills the unsteady soul. 

The author's comments:

Nature is really a relaxing place for me, picturing things like these in my mind calms me down on days when I'm very high strung.

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