Distance between Stars | Teen Ink

Distance between Stars

March 30, 2016
By autumnrosiee SILVER, Marshfield, Wisconsin
autumnrosiee SILVER, Marshfield, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the dark of the nights,
    shining boldly up in the sky,
    floats a swirly galaxy of stars
     with the Earth far under.
    Whenever I sit in the odd silence,
    and cry for you, looking up to another universe
    wherever I am, wherever, there,
    they find it weird that I long
    for something that is so far away,
    and for something I will never be able to go to.
    And as I cry, I cry, then dream of our past
    that they had never had.
    Then I dream of our future.
    They don’t understand the odd
    connection between two beings afar,
    and how they miss and long for each other so,
    as without my galaxy of stars
    only darkness would dwell and deprive my mind.

The author's comments:

My friend moved away, and as I was feeling depressed and lonely, I wrote this poem.

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