The News | Teen Ink

The News

April 11, 2016
By SarahLeeLily BRONZE, West Valley, New York
SarahLeeLily BRONZE, West Valley, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

the FBI.
They're married
she looked harried.
High jacked
car jacked
the government is jacked.
And this world, they say
is all out of wack.
They need to leave us alone 
even though they were dragged out of their homes.
We need to build a wall
but that other one needs to fall.
Stop coming over our borders
you can't give me orders.
Religion is a lie
but it's what helps me fly.
Race, race, race
is a word that has its own case.
People say it needs cleaning
but it has so many meanings.
Everything has meaning
it's only the bad that needs cleaning.
But no one can agree
not even you and me.
What is bad?
And when did it become all that we think we have?

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