Pleasently Broken | Teen Ink

Pleasently Broken

April 8, 2016
By TheBlackPearl BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
TheBlackPearl BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All I hear people say is how

time heals, and and one day
I’ll feel whole again.

They say, it gets better
That it makes the air come easier
But I’m not sure I agree.

If time is supposed to heal,
why can’t anyone agree on how much time it will take?

How much longer do I have to go through days wishing
for a life that’s better: a life where I have you again.

A life with you back, and I could smile easier.
I could appreciate the sun again; stop fearing the light.

A life with you back, and I could actually agree
when people talk about the beauty of the world. Instead of wondering how
they can see anything, when all I see is your face and all I hear is, “It’ll get better.”

I see you in everything, and they say with time it will stop.
But how could I want that?

How could I go through the day not thinking of you or seeing you,
without feeling like I’m losing you all over again?
They tell me I'll get better.

But a life without you sounds worse than the one I'm living now.
If that's the better life, I think it be easier--
safer to stay in this life, broken as I am.
And I think you'd agree.

You know how much happier I was with you here,
how much better the world seemed.
You made breathing easier, and you made me whole
with every breath we shared.

Though time passes I only seem to need you more.
I relive that day each night.
They say I have to move on, I have to let you go.
If I let you go, if I leave you to walk the world alone,
I don't know how I'd make it through a day

I can't.
Even if letting you go, makes letting others in easier.
Even if when I keep you close, I push others away.
Even if the crater you used to fill burns each day.
Even if when I think about how I feel inside, I know you'd want me to change

I don't see how I can, and I can't imagine how...
I've had a life with you, and nothing could be better,
So why would I want anything different?

I'm still not sure how time makes things easier.
And I don’t know why a day without you is
something to strive for, when one with you is so much better.
They say I need to heal, but I'm not sure I agree.

I’ll just give it time.

The author's comments:

I hope this piece can speak for itself.

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