Glass Bottles and Paper Birds | Teen Ink

Glass Bottles and Paper Birds

April 16, 2016
By WindRaven SILVER, Fairview, Pennsylvania
WindRaven SILVER, Fairview, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Every single

door and window

is locked up tight.

We walk around

with broken minds,

twisted hearts,

undead souls.

We think it's hopeless

but perhaps there is a spark,

a candle flame,

burning deep within,

that shines through

the endless night.


There is a girl,

three doors down,

who's name reminds me

of golden wheat swaying beneath

the sunbaked sky.

The rest of her may be


but her fingers fold oragami boxes

without fault.


The scissors came

for one boy's hair

against his will,

all because

his mother thought

he looked too gay.

He lost his proudest attribute,

but he still finds

a way to smile.


A ballerina

with long blond hair

rarely comes

to the kitchen.

She's like a walking


barely there,

nearly gone.

It's hard,

but she somehow fights

the voices in her head

and day by day,

she eats

a little more.


Across the hall,

there is a boy who likes

fistbumps and riddles.

A crash of screeching metal,

years ago,

scrambled his brain.

Though he is almost

a man,

he knows no better than

a young child.


he is luck,

he is joy,

he is life.


Another boy has

angry flames

in his bones

that he can't control.

If he holds it in

for too long,

he will explode,

because that's just too much

to bottle up


Hopefully his music

will release it

with a melody.


Seated at the desk

across the room,

lit up by the bleeding sunrise,

is a girl with chestnut hair.

Her arms are laced

with the scars of her past.

They beat her down,

but she gets back up,

her pen flying endlessly

across the living page.


We're all stuck in a loop of





done with everything.

We've heard and seen

too much.

We are glass bottles,

filled with paper birds,

scrawled with

our deepest


thoughts and fears.

We are too fragile,

too lost,

too afraid,

to open the cap

and share our darkness

with the world.


But deep inside,

we are still


burning brightly,

waiting patiently,

for courage,

for love,

for freedom.

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This article has 4 comments.

Kristyn said...
on Jun. 10 2016 at 11:31 pm
You must keep writing and sharing. You are very gifted. This is wonderfully written and really strikes a chord.

on Jun. 7 2016 at 9:05 pm
WindRaven SILVER, Fairview, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Thanks so much! This poem comes from my personal experiences, and was very difficult to write. However, I am excited to continue to gain strength as a writer. Thanks again! :)

ACRJH said...
on Jun. 5 2016 at 11:50 am
My heart overflows...sadness, followed by hope...always love

Fowr said...
on Apr. 21 2016 at 6:36 am
Wow, every character an intriguing image, a sad tale with the promise of better days because each soul contains talent and loveable attributes that really define who they are despite their troubles....