The Eyes | Teen Ink

The Eyes

April 5, 2016
By indefinitely_samaya GOLD, Shoreline, Washington
indefinitely_samaya GOLD, Shoreline, Washington
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Never sleeping, never leaving
Eyes are watching, waiting in the dark,
Waiting for you to fall in; to trip into trouble.
They follow your moves, chasing you like a twisted game of tag,
Waiting for you to mess up.
Their never ending gaze turns you into a window mannequin,
On display for their icicle stares, your imperfections criticized, your words trampled on.
The second their heads turn, you're a puppet;
Doing what you're told, putting on a show just to stay alive,
Struggling to please the crowd while they control your limbs with invisible strings.
Their irises are like oceans,
Inescapable, murky waters drown your thoughts, pull on your legs like anchors,
Lure you in like a siren’s song.
They're on the prowl, hunting for their next victim, waiting for the chase.
But you better watch your step;
Three strikes and you're dead.

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