Life Is Just A Mystery | Teen Ink

Life Is Just A Mystery

April 19, 2016
By kaykayonfleek123 BRONZE, New York CIty, New York
kaykayonfleek123 BRONZE, New York CIty, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Life is just a mystery

Like how did we really form?

Two people can't just automatically just come out of nowhere

But the way they was formed was just so mysterious

Now you see everday a new person being formed 

Its just a miracle

Of course someday life will have to go

But it will come back

But people can't make it come back

Its a cycle,it just happens

The author's comments:

Life is a mysterious thing and i thought i should write a poem about it.Nobody knows the exact reason how and why human beings has come to earth

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