My Father | Teen Ink

My Father

April 21, 2016
By 6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His head grazes the great towers in the city. They dodge his every step so they won’t get knocked over. He slickly smiles at them because he is a gentle giant. He confidently strides with instilled intimidation on every living creature. However, when he is spoken to, it is like talking to a pastor. My father is a tall man with quality personality traits. My father is a wise man that has made his mistakes in his life he doesn’t want his son to make, me.
I’ve grown to be a skyscraper like my father. The buildings are not as feared by me as they are to my father. I am still growing and changing like he did at my age. I must not make the same mistakes he did. I must be the best version of myself. It has all stemmed from the heights of the Carroll generations. I will exceed his expectations as much as my height exceeds the average.

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