I Wish I Could See You Again | Teen Ink

I Wish I Could See You Again

May 3, 2016
By kegstand BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
kegstand BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I rarely come to your grave
I never talk to you
Cat must have my tongue.
They say you can hear me,
But I feel that you can’t, I cry
When I think of you, I know
you’re gone and you’re never
I always say
I can live without you, but
I really feel I can’t
They tell me that God didn’t
take you away, but that he just
needed another Angel
I ask God
Can I be your next Angel?
so I could be with you
He never replies
I even ask God why?
Why did it have to be you?
Why do I have to hurt so much?
Nobody understands the pain i’m in,
Missing you
I hate you for not being around
I wish
I could see you again,
So I could say

The author's comments:

The death of my mom inspired me to write this peice and I hope it will remind people that they are not the only ones going through hard times.

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