Broken | Teen Ink


May 3, 2016
By astridianmayflys GOLD, Rye, New York
astridianmayflys GOLD, Rye, New York
16 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If every night I go to sleep knowing/ That I gave everything that I had to give/Then it's all I could've asked for.

Today my friend took a fall
She went crashing to the ground
One more reach, a pull, push,
when she discovered she was bound.

The blood pouring from her leg
As tears began to fall
And with a relenting sigh and invetible cry
Her wellbeing was suddenly my all.

I dressed her wound, and bandaged her leg
That swelled and swelled some more,
Ice was given as frenzied cries
Began to quake the floor.

I held her hand as she and I
Stood together firm,
We held each other tight and close
While the earth forced us to learn.

She clasped my hand and together we were
United with all our might,
Goodness knows I had fallen enough
To give back her helping rights.

I was her crutch,
A brace to keep her straight,
As we worked to rebuild her strength
That had fleeted with her faint.

And suddenly there was she,
the bravest of all the skies,
Her starting from the bottom
Helped her spread her wings and fly.

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