Bitter Bliss | Teen Ink

Bitter Bliss

May 4, 2016
By KChayes BRONZE, Eureka, Missouri
KChayes BRONZE, Eureka, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like a fall into an abyss
The ink stained the tie
The drink was ever so dry
Friends of the future pass
Had their very last glass
A stepping stone
One they had to take alone
For the next day a seed would be planted
One that sprouts for three seasons
Makes you question all reason
A few bottles down
Lights off in this town
Still I reminisce of old bliss
All the stories I missed
Their very last drink
Last sight of me after a blink
This night was not one of a kind
One year later I was still in a bind
The second night of my eternal fight
I did not have enough might
Six feet under no one wondered
Not a single tear I wasn't here
The clock still ticked
Her womb still kicked
Seasons never change
The winter was still cold and dead
But that season is out of my head

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