I Have A Secret | Teen Ink

I Have A Secret

May 10, 2016
By ArooshaTabb SILVER, New Britain, Connecticut
ArooshaTabb SILVER, New Britain, Connecticut
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How can humans Judge what is perfect, when the human eye isn't even perfect?" ~ Aroosha Tabb

Can I trust you with my secret?
Or will you leak it out?
Spill out my pride?
Flush my words into the world?
Flood people’s mouths with the spit of Laughter?

Maybe, I shouldn’t even take that risk.
The risk of my dignity swimming away!
The risk of letting my tears pour out my eyes!
The risk of my blood being boiled, with the feeling of regret!

But then, where’s the trust?
It’s in the ocean of pain!
Because all of my love and trust was taken by the tide of pain!
Because the juices of my body don’t pump in a joyful rhythm, anymore!

NO! I will not trust you with my secret!
I know you’ll leak it out!
Spill my pride!
Flush my words into the world!
Flood people’s mouths with the spit of laughter!

It’s all in your eyes and that little smirk!

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