Arrythmia | Teen Ink


May 10, 2016
By natu.mlikota SILVER, AVENTURA, Florida
natu.mlikota SILVER, AVENTURA, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There's a place by the shore
I recognized from before
a little crack in the back
where you had your first heart attack

Our hearts would beat
to the rhythm of your pacemaker
they would rise with relief
with every step we saw you take

It’s a hard way to live
to the rhythm of your pacemaker
it’s hard to breathe
knowing that soon you might cease

There's a place by the shore
that I don't visit anymore
a little crack in the back
that tears my heart in half

There’s the dust that remains
left by an old pacemaker
our hearts don’t rise
you don’t walk anymore

It’s a hard way to live
lacking your pacemaker
it’s hard to breathe
knowing you don’t any longer

There's a place by the shore
that exists no more
a little crack in the back
I can’t stand to see that.

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