Damaged | Teen Ink


May 10, 2016
By alexispaulinski BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
alexispaulinski BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I watched what divorce did to my father
He opened bottles more than he spoke
I watched what bullying did to my neighbor
Instead of birthday cake on his birthday, he took a hand full of pills.

I watched what heartbreak did to my sister
Skipping meals to prove she’s worth his time
I watched what the military did to my uncle
Not only was there a bullet hole in his leg
Also his heart when he returned to an empty house and divorce papers

I watched the world crumble at my feet
Instead of picking up the pieces
I accepted that pain will follow
No matter how fast
Or far you hide
It’s buried somewhere deep inside

The author's comments:

This piece shows how much pain affects everyone around you. Even if you can't see someone is struggling, sometimes it is somewhere deep inside. 

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