Words are Power | Teen Ink

Words are Power

May 10, 2016
By ocdotter0701 BRONZE, Goshen, Indiana
ocdotter0701 BRONZE, Goshen, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"He who has a why to live for can bear through almost any how"
~Friedrich Nietzsche

Words are power,
This is the conclusion I have come to.
But there are no words
To describe in a poem, you.
I’ll try, and try
And fail, and fail.
But never will I be able to
Capture the essence of your
Beauty, your soul, your mind and heart,
All of which are who you are.
And you with me is even better,
For you actually make me complete.
Some girls expect diamonds, or silver.
Some girls expect things finer.
But all you want is me by your side,
And I by yours, as long as we both survive.
You’re not perfect, boy is that true,
But neither am I, and truth be told
It doesn’t matter, as long as I’m
Perfect for you.
So let me say, while I have time,
Words are power, and you can’t waste time
Trying to rhyme, while precious minutes
Are ticking away, counting down doomsday.
And when that day should finally come,
If I am to be in chains,
They’d even be too much to keep me from you.
I’d break down walls,
Dig tunnels,
And burn chains to find you,
Get to you,
So that we can watch distantly,
With a gleam of hope,
A tear of sadness,
As Doomsday approaches.
When one world ends, another begins,
And again I will guide you through it.

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