In My Dreams | Teen Ink

In My Dreams

May 12, 2016
By dphung20 SILVER, Ho Chi Minh, Other
dphung20 SILVER, Ho Chi Minh, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each night I lay waiting,
For the dreams to come.
For they will take me
With their lovely arms.
Carry   Me                Away
In the dim moonlight…

I close my eyes and start to dream.
It was easier than what it seems.
Because dreams will take me to
Places where wishes come true.


And soon I faintly hear myself
zzZ…  zzZ…  zzZ...

In my dreams,
I am a warrior fighting a dragon
To save the princess from the dirty creature.
I glare at the huge scowling yellow eyes
And plunge my sword towards its beating heart.

I am a prisoner in a wagon,
Arrested and handcuffed in a chained cell,
Yelling and screaming as if in hell.
Then the guard hit my head and down I fell.

I am a golden fish in the ocean,
Swimming freely in Fanta Sea.
My scales shine with bright orange.
My eyes glow like white diamonds.

I am a wizard who makes potions,
Stirring a green substance with disgust.
I feel my hands on the hot black pot,
Seeing silver smoke swirling in the thin air.

I could sleep for a whole year.
And put my head in the clouds.
For I am the one who feels free
In the wonderful worlds waiting for me.

The author's comments:

I had published this poem as a limmerick before. Today I rewrote it as a free verse poem and add more details to the dreams I had. I wanted to express my feelings towards them. 

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