Unheard Voices | Teen Ink

Unheard Voices

May 12, 2016
By Meleah88 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
Meleah88 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am the ocean, I am the sea, there's a world inside of me."

All our lives we were taught to ask before we took things that weren’t ours..
But did you ask us when you turned sex into a lifestyle?

All our lives we were taught that no one should end their life ahead of time…
But our lives ended the day we were reduced to nothing but a used toy..

All our lives we were told to speak up…
But we cried for help and no one seemed to hear us.
I was  forced  to live in a world where even my hopes were taken away from me.
My mind left a blur.

I’m often left begging for the humanity left in you to awake.
Nobody sees. Nobody knows.
We’re untold secrets.
We’re unheard voices.
Unseen humans.

We’re the piano key that is left ignored , it’s string is broken no longer enchanting our ears with a beautiful sound.

I no longer am here. Only what I have to offer.
Similar to soldiers returning home
war wounded and scarred we are hurt just the same

Reduced to nothing but a slave. Reduced to nothing but a body.

The author's comments:

Something A friend and I wrote about Sex Slavery.

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