The Rant of the Academically Inclined | Teen Ink

The Rant of the Academically Inclined

May 17, 2016
By bboicee GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
bboicee GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be what you are. No one who really loves you will stop."-Luke Garroway, TMI

She was just sitting there,
looking at me with such a glare
and she knew I didn’t want to share.
But yet she still asked for my damn notes.
It was so abrupt, I almost near choked.
Did she mistake me as a bloke??
I looked at her and made up a lie,
I think she knew I failed at being sly.
But all I could do is look her in the eye
and just flat out say, “NOPE NOT TODAY.”
By then I had nothing else much to say
I didn’t even know her name, maybe it started with a “K”?
These were my notes and I had worked so hard.
She thought she could catch me off guard,
an idea that should have left her scarred.
Who knew she obtained such audacity?
With a mind just filled with curiosity
about how I was not always full of generosity.

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