If You're Not From Keller | Teen Ink

If You're Not From Keller

May 25, 2016
By maxbuchanan SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
maxbuchanan SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you’re not from Keller

You’re not like me
Going outside, watching the white boys roam free

If you’re not from Keller
I’m not your friend
Spewing out racist slurs under my breath to no end

If you’re not from Keller
Get off my lawn
It’s 6:30 PM and I’m starting to yawn

If you’re not from Keller
There’s nothing here for you
It’s a barren wasteland with a mansion or two

If you’re not from Keller
Don’t even think about it
Try to talk sense into us and you’ll get hit

If you’re not from Keller
Who really cares
There will be people you don’t like everywhere

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