Extraordinary | Teen Ink


May 20, 2016
By singers BRONZE, New York, New York
singers BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


It was many a night where the stars were a strewn in the molasses sky,
where they called to me with curiosity, beckoning me to come and discover.
It was many a night when I looked up at the darkness wondering who else,
now and in a time past,
had seen what I was gazing at, as I contemplated what tomorrow would bring.
It was many a night that I could be found studying the mosaic sky for guidance,
entrenched in solitude and a loneliness I welcomed,
as the velvet space engulfed me.
For the sky held answers unknown to humans.
This was my time to follow its thread of knowledge.

I dreamed often that I was flying,
soaring high above the buildings, cities, farms, and quotidian events.
Flying so high, that my hand could graze the cheese-like moon,
so tangible, yet light years from earth.
The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune speeding,
circling me in black space.
But this night was different.
There was something off about the atmosphere, I could feel it.

A vibration ran through my fingertips as my arms outstretched toward the sky,
a single thrill of energy coming down from the luminous night,
emanating from the constellations, from the galaxy.
It was unmistakable,
a palpable pulsation that connected me to the night in a way I had never felt before.
A feeling of another set of eyes invading the sky overtook me.
People often talk about moments of unspoken human connections.
This was my moment.

She was there with me, a child my age, yet she was thousands of miles away,
in a desert, across the earth.
Her hair was ebony, she was the daughter of a merchant, her eyes were crystal clear.
Those eyes were watching the same sky as mine,
I could sense them in the chill stillness of the night as I gazed.
Ursa Major, the Great Bear, shone brightly around me in an irregular polygon.
A shooting star whizzed by its borders.
The moon moved stealthily.
Lying on the wet grassy dew of the dawn, something extraordinary was awaiting.

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