Love is a Light Switch | Teen Ink

Love is a Light Switch

June 1, 2016
By efhardman9 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
efhardman9 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love is a light switch.
You are born into a life in a dim room,
but you don’t think anything of it because that’s all you’ve ever known.
Suddenly, you’ve found your first true love, and they switch on the light.
-you’re seeing yourself and the world differently and all sorts of feelings are brewing inside of you that you didn’t even know were possible.
Suddenly you’ve wrapped your whole life around this person
The light of your life.
And when it starts to fall apart, you will do anything to keep that light on. You will do anything to savor the sweet taste and bright light that is love.
But sometimes they leave,
taking the light with them.
You’re left standing in a dim room again with an unbearable ache in your chest.
You’re left with the memories, photographs, voicemails and tee-shirts. And you’re alone.
Of course you can move on, adjust to the dark,
like you once lived before,
but it’s hard and it’s going to hurt.
You will move on,
but you will also spend the rest of your life wondering one thing:
If you were their light too. 

The author's comments:

This piece started out as a diary entry from my sophomore year of high school. 

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