The Day you Left my Story | Teen Ink

The Day you Left my Story

June 9, 2016
By amaxnightmare SILVER, AMHERST, New York
amaxnightmare SILVER, AMHERST, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They say life is like a book
That you are a chapter
A page
A paragraph of my life
But if life is like a book
You are the first word of the prologue
The foreshadowing of a life
The climax of a story that ends too soon
The last word of an epilogue
Because the last word on my lips
Will be your name
And when the story is over
And the book has closed
The plot will be forgotten
The setting
The craft of the story
Everything but your name
The last word on the final page
Of a life that could have happened
But ended
The day you left my story

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