this is love | Teen Ink

this is love

June 9, 2016
By 6mustafa SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6mustafa SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We hear about these epic love stories and how they came to be and we wish that someday that will happen to us. When we think about love we think about all the laughter, the smiles, the hugs and kisses. What we rarely think about is the fights, tears, pain and loss. As humans, I think it’s natural for us to always want the happy ending, whether it’s in books, movies and our own lives. We want to be able to come home to our perfect husband and perfect two children, we want to be able to have vacations every summer to Europe. We want to be able to be in love and never have doubt about how life will turn out because looking at your family- you already know. It doesn’t always happen that way though. Sometimes you come home to your abusive husband beating your kids, realizing that you should’ve never left them there, even for that stupid job interview. You look at the man you once loved and see darkness in his eyes where warmth used to be. You look at your two kids trembling on the floor and have no idea how life will turn out.

The truth is, the love in movies isn’t real. Love is laughter, pain, smiles and tears all in one. It’s making a promise to someone and never breaking it. It’s saying “I hate you” with a smile on your face and kissing them hard at night before you sleep because you don’t know if you’ll wake up tomorrow. It’s growing old together and realizing that nothing will ever be as special as the bond you’ve created. ‘Til death do us part...

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