The beauty and cruelty of life and death | Teen Ink

The beauty and cruelty of life and death

June 12, 2016
By TheNerdOfSerendipity SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
TheNerdOfSerendipity SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life drenched in dazzling display
beckons man to live in cruel reality
a reality that wounds the week and poor
a plane that praises the strong and wealthy
for it is but a life we have been blessed with
a lie with potential that bewitches both men and women
for her beauty inspires innate lust of marvel
for we greedy man wish to exploit life for all she bears
be it her wealth, companionship, library, or beauty
it is but our nature to wish for more than dull time
but yet we tread the line of eternal rest
for he is man that we truly know not of
but just conjure faint predictions for sly comfort
he is that man who will see me off from this plane
an inevitable truth that paints ugly sentiment
but yet one we must come to terms with
for his grapes knows no natural limit
a man cloaked to reap all of life’s children
a man whose company draws seductive peace
an escape that frightens all but yet soothes them
for we bear no immortal spirit to trump time for eternity
as no matter the age, time still ticks in moderation for all
as we as men must see it but a luxury that will one day need to end
a frightening tale as life is but a brilliant lie we tell ourself
and death the inescapable fate true to all mortals
but will yet sooth us from life by its own means
a companionship that breeds true meaning
for in limited time, we value these moments
for they are immortal in the scheme of history
even if they remain unpronounced by most

The author's comments:

I am but a child who thinks too much. I ponder too much to remain silents,so instead, I write. I will write my piece on the matter as it is my nature. A pleasure I enjoy ever so often.

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