Today I stand before you all | Teen Ink

Today I stand before you all

June 12, 2016
By TheNerdOfSerendipity SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
TheNerdOfSerendipity SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

what lies in the letters in the word,
what lies in the letters in the word,

now twice over I ask again

what lies in the letters of the word,
what lies in the letters of the word,

instead of silence, I give a reply.
it is but mere sentiment found in concept
there is no true definitions of emotions in letters
emotions evoked by the conscious association

it is a fact that all man of education are aware,
but now here I ask to be received by response
what should stand to gain
in association with skin?
what should stand to gain
in association with prior culture?
what should stand to gain in association with

it is but merely a sum of the character’s whole
it is a description of the elaborate scheme to the being
so what is there to gain in biased thoughts?

were I white,
would my words be worth more?
were I Muslim,
would my words be worth less?
I am neither of those things but ponder

would your view of me
be changed in slight alteration?
why would there be reason to suspect me?
riddle me this, are you even conscious of association?
are you aware where your bias nature exist?

you may be educated, but are you wise?
great me with response not prior to speculation
then respond to me in open mind

The author's comments:

Bias, the new and old war men have wrestled since the begining up to today and beyond.

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