Cosmic Love | Teen Ink

Cosmic Love

June 17, 2016
By indefinitely_samaya GOLD, Shoreline, Washington
indefinitely_samaya GOLD, Shoreline, Washington
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were infinite in every way.
The stars could not contain us,
For we were beyond celestial.
No ocean was deep enough,
The dark, murky waters could not drown our love.
Mountain peaks were not tall enough
To reach us in our immortal state.
All the ink in the world
Could not write our story.
It was as if our souls were relentless,
A never ending entanglement of our fates.
But it was only ephemeral.
Our love was only fleeting,
A short stint in our timelines.
The fairytale ended, inkwell run dry.
We drifted down from the moon,
And separated across the universe.
Our bond ceased to exist,
Passing thoughts berating my heart.
Though our love concluded,
Our memories live on in the rifts of time and space.

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