The River Song | Teen Ink

The River Song

October 6, 2016
By blowyourtrumpets SILVER, San Jose , California
blowyourtrumpets SILVER, San Jose , California
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:

I have the crow on my shoulder,
He wishes I'd lose the fight.
For I already submit to the evils of night.
But as the stars come;
As the grass flares.
I sit alone,
Reminisce of what was there,
The river I see:
Perpetual, flowing onwards;
Into a dark abyss...
Only dreaming of tomorrow.
Yet as I reflect-
I am drowned in her sorrow.

The ones that are made-
So proper in function;
Can prove their fate,
Jumping the junction...
They travel down-
Perfect and free,
As I resist powers that be.
That which only inflicts pain to me.
But the river cares none for it knows little.
Though it knows the struggle,
It's thoughts are too brittle.

So she left me there.
Lack of dispute.
Sorrow and snare.
Whilst my mind pollutes.
“End it now.
Go downstream.
Before it's too late,
Your body can’t seam;
Your wrists are numb.
Hopes are so shallow.
So, I beg of you,
You can overcome-
For I’ll stay true.
Yet you never listen.”
That's what she said.
But it's hard to unlearn,
So she left me behind;
Misery’s new turn;
Committed no crime.
She was truthful indeed.
And as she left,
Going about.
She opened her eyes,
And to me she dared spout-
“You'll head against the river-
No doubt in my mind;
You exhaust from cries;
And wish you’d just die.
You count on the one,
So bastardly made.
Influenced by power,
Hidden in shade.
Your sorrow won't fade.
What's behind isn't gone,
Yet your mind could be.
I sat at your side,
As long as I truly…
You never complied,
Stay in that hood.
For when they're all screaming;
You shan't say you stood,
For you encapsulate the first,
You never mean well.
Leave us be,
No, leave it in hell.
No one will love you,
Though you believe they should,
So cry again yet again,
In that room you call home,
Dark as could be:
Set as your tomb.
And my only regrets,
You useless drone,
Is I wish I could get out of this bed,
To tell you alone-
You're better off dead.”

The author's comments:

This piece is inspired by life and struggles with desire and unhealthy reflection of the past. I'll let you figure out the metaphors but I'm not a very complex writer so it'll be easy, thanks for reading.

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