In the go between | Teen Ink

In the go between

October 12, 2016
By RipponLeaEnergise BRONZE, Clayton, Other
RipponLeaEnergise BRONZE, Clayton, Other
1 article 4 photos 76 comments

Favorite Quote:
"how wonderful it is that nobody has to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world"

Anne Frank

A moment is gone, things must rearrange

The love that you once had, has taken a change.

Reality permits the mind to wander

The heat of the moment, that's the blunder.

You wish you could, but you know you can't

You think you should but you know you shant

A depression is all that it took to start

The annoyances of a depressed heart

A heart full of wonder, misfortune and grief

The grief of a joy that you thought was brief

A shoulder to cry on, a heart to be with

The need for love that everyone is born with

The moment was there, but nearly forsaken

Was the depth and meaning of life, not quite taken

The author's comments:

Treating someone you love like grabage, having it fall apart and wanting so much to repair the bonds. 

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