I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

October 24, 2016
By Screenname77 BRONZE, Auburn Hills, Michigan
Screenname77 BRONZE, Auburn Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Do you not believe in yourself or me? Because... 
I believe that i can achieve
      I believe in destiny
         I believe that anyone can create their own
            I believe that hard work can get you anywhere
               I believe anyone is capable of success
                  I believe anyone can follow their dreams
                     I believe someone can marry their dream girl 
                        I believe you can achieve
                           I believe in the people around me
                              I believe anyone can get a 4.0
                                 I believe there is no limit
                                    I believe nothing's impossible
            Not believing means you don't have a dream everyone                                      needs something to believe in

The author's comments:

I believe i hope this inspires you to

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