They Shine For You | Teen Ink

They Shine For You

November 2, 2016
By writergymnast14 BRONZE, Evanston, Illinois
writergymnast14 BRONZE, Evanston, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment


Is like a star

Not always visible
But always there

Through the tears
And smiles

The uncontrollable laughter
And cries for help

The undeserved


The stars shine

They form
little pockets
of hope

They form
A light
That shines
Straight to the heart

The stars
light up
The darkness

A ray
of hope


That one day
We can all see the stars
That shine
Just for us

As love
Is the brightest star
We will ever see

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this poem because I was feeling down. However, I always try to remember that despite the pain, there are always people who care about me and are willing to do anything for me. This is love, and something that not everyone is lucky enough to receive. I wanted to pass on the message that love is crucial and love is so much more than a husband and a wife or siblings. Love is caring for someone else, and being their star that peeks through when all they can see is the darkness around them.

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on Nov. 14 2016 at 10:29 am
Your words are meaningful and beautiful. Keep writing, you are talented.