A Missed Oppritunity | Teen Ink

A Missed Oppritunity

November 29, 2016
By Anonymous

A heartbeat.

Silent to you; thunderous to me.

Lonliness is a flood.

I was drowning, blind to you.

As the emptiness surged in, the pain overflowing

There you were.

Your hand outstretched, I accepted the grasp.

I've never felt so happy.

Now, eight months later, I sit here, with you.

I'm frozen with fear

It's so hard to say...

Those three immense words.

I love you.

The author's comments:

I wrote this a while, before you left. It was going to be a Christmas present, considering I'm horrible at poetry, and you love it so much, but now I just want to put it out.

I've never written poetry before, so critisicm is appreciated.

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