The Fallen | Teen Ink

The Fallen

December 5, 2016
By ThePhilospher SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
ThePhilospher SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A peaceful day

Streets, busy and buzzing
I was enjoying a sweet drink
Then...A loud noise shook our city
Panic stirred up quickly
We rose into battle position, fully armed and prepared
Soldiers in the dozens, hundreds, thousands!
I looked back to the giant crater that was now our home
Rage and hatred awoke within me.
The enemy, the beast,  was ahead of us and unaware of our strike
We took the chance and attacked!
With our swords, we charged at its skin
But nothing happened...The beast had some sort of armor protecting it
The sleek, blue material we penetrated did nothing but make the beast cackle at our pain
It swatted our bodies away with its leathery, massive black hand
I looked at the carnage before me in horror
“How...How could this have happened?” I looked as I heard a faint voice,
Rushed to the sound,  my best friend, Bert.
I looked down, my tears falling onto his face.
He took his front leg and wrapped it around mine
“ what you must...”
With that final message, his body fell limp.
Anger, sadness, hatred all flooded my mind
I flew with great speed up the titan’s tree-like legs, dodging its hands
Finally stopping at the sky blue eyes
I turned and drove my sword right into its left eye, penetrating and drawing blood
The beast howled in agony as it backed away and ran, screaming for its mother.
I fell onto the ground, satisfied
Everything was getting dark, foggy as I had no energy to move
But with the last of my strength, I exclaimed to the heavens
“My fallen brother bees! I will join you soon!!”

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