The truth of evil prt 1 | Teen Ink

The truth of evil prt 1

December 13, 2016
By Dogsarepawsom SILVER, Lincon, Maine
Dogsarepawsom SILVER, Lincon, Maine
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments

The truth of evil part 1

There are many who are called evil.
They commit crimes with no apparent reason
They do things that make no sense
Meny believe it to be one of the seven,
The seven deadly sins.

People steal out of greed.
Others kill out of lust
But meny commit crimes out of gluttony
Others are Sloth, never trying to come on top
Many will do anything for their pride
People who are empowered by wrath know no bounds.
And envy will lead to any kinds of crimes.
The people who do these are evil in their own way.

But what if they commit crimes for none of those reasons?
What if they kill on purpose but are not evil.
Meny would say that's impossible.
But it's not….

If you want to see the rest comment down below!

The author's comments:

This is inspired from meny diffrent poem,songs,books, and TV

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