The Universe | Teen Ink

The Universe

December 7, 2016
By Dpilkington BRONZE, Warrensville, Ohio
Dpilkington BRONZE, Warrensville, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A book.
My freedom from the world.
I immerse myself in facts and fiction, ideas and theories.
Books are my life. Without books,
I wouldn’t be who I am today.
Books are my gateway to the world.
The power that they have, to influence nations.
The knowledge that they hold.
Books made into what I am today.
A book.

The Cosmos.
It is boundless. It is endless. It is beautiful.
It bonds us together, and can tear us apart.
It is right in front of you, and a million miles away.
It belongs to all, and yet we belong to it.
It is in me, and it is me.
I study it. It studies me.
I use it. It uses me.
I love it. It loves me.
I want to explore beyond this Earth.
It entices me, pulling me.
Deeper and deeper into its alluring glance.
The Cosmos.


They can be a hindrance to me, and they can be my best friend.
Like the sea, they are ever changing.
Good, bad.
Happy, sad.
Emotions drive me, and sometimes they go the wrong way.
Exciting me, and boring me.
My emotions are important to me.
Take away my emotions, and I am naught but a brain.
It individualizes me. 
Emotions make us, us.


Knowledge drives me. It captivates me.
It’s what wakes me up every day.
It’s what keeps me up late at night.
Its eternity intrigues me,
and yet, I don’t what to know everything,
because then what’s the point of living?
It doesn’t belong to one man, or woman,
or country, or continent.
It belongs to all, is owned by all,
and can unify even the worst adversaries.
Knowledge is power.

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