For I am Not a True Human Being | Teen Ink

For I am Not a True Human Being

January 10, 2017
By Auedrey BRONZE, Salt Lake City , Utah
Auedrey BRONZE, Salt Lake City , Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a box
I created for myself
I somehow forgot
The hidden way out
In a room
I locked myself in
I somehow forgot
Where I placed the key
In my own mind
I trapped myself in
I somehow forgot
I’m only as free as I let myself be
I sit longing for a day
Where I’m no longer inside a hidden box
Locked room
Or trapped mind
But I tell myself
This is the way it has to be
For no one to see
The side I long to be rid
I tell myself
This is the way it has to be
Because the people out there
Aren’t longing for me
I tell myself
This is the way it has to be
For I am not a true human being


The author's comments:

I was recently diagnosed with anxiety and major deppresion this poem explains how i felt before i got answers. 

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