We Will Never Forget | Teen Ink

We Will Never Forget

January 12, 2017
By Nunnabug BRONZE, Smithland, Iowa
Nunnabug BRONZE, Smithland, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Guns firing,
red coats marching forward
only to see the unimaginable.
Inside the walls are dead bodies,
piled up so high they're a wall of their own.
Walking skeletons,
gaunt, emaciated, nothing left.
These things aren't people,
at least not anymore.
They're human machines,
victims of antisemitism.
Their spirits crushed,
Their will to live shattered.
Starvation and work is all they know.
There's no personality,
no brotherhood left,

they survive solely for themselves.

They walk on,
without their loved ones,
their family,
their friends.
The memory will stay with them forever,
their only fear is that this will happen again.
To them we say,
we will never forget.

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