The Monsters In My Head | Teen Ink

The Monsters In My Head

January 13, 2017
By Nunnabug BRONZE, Smithland, Iowa
Nunnabug BRONZE, Smithland, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

They're staring at me again,
I keep telling them I'm not a monster,
But they don't believe me.
The voices keep telling me
To do terrible things,
And I did.
I got a knife and threatened them,
The only people who understood,
But they don't understand me anymore.
I told them, I'm not a monster,
The voices made me do it.
They don't care.
They handcuffed me,
They're going to send me away again,
And I can't.
I can't go back to that place,
Where they say I'm damaged,
I need to be fixed.
But I can't be fixed,
The  voices won't let me,
They keep telling me to kill them,
The only people who understand.
They say I'm a monster,
Even though I know I'm not.

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