Never Alone | Teen Ink

Never Alone

January 18, 2017
By Shyanne.Kayee SILVER, Decatur, Illinois
Shyanne.Kayee SILVER, Decatur, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My phone is my life ...

The last thing I see when I got to sleep
The first thing I see when I wake up
Phones just love to help with everything they can
You are always there to help me keep in contact with family
To keeping up on all the latest news
To helping in an urgent situation or an emergency
Even helping in school too !
Wherever I am with my friends on the road ever away from home
I am always able to feel at home
Without you my life would be totally different
I mean it I couldn't live without you

The author's comments:

A simple ode 

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