The True Monster | Teen Ink

The True Monster

January 24, 2017
By laurynmaystead BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
laurynmaystead BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The baby girl is born, getting ready for a whole new journey ahead, until she meets him.
He started off as a bright, sunny, day
Greeting her like an old friend, spoiling her because of her young, innocent age.
He gives her the presents of joy, love, and wonder.
The joy is meant t be her usual state, always ready for new things.
She feels happy and free, going on with her way.
She meets friends, goes to different places, enjoying every minute.
She loves him; truly, madly, and deeply.
She spends every minute with him; both of them inseperable.
Suddenly there is a sharp shift with the excitement.
The gifts grow colder once she grows older
Throwing at her things she wishes she wanted to throw back
But no, she was greedy, the young and wild self she was.
She had the scars of education….
Knowing that the world is not all gold and glory, but fear and bloodlust.
Ongoing wars of people wanting revenge and total control.
She had the sharp cuts of depression….
(Yes, she is in the unholy teen years.)
Friends she thought she had immediately turn their backs on her, interested in somebody else.
She falls back, that ongrowing pain of self hatred in her heart… uncontrollably not stopping.
She runs to him, wondering what went wrong, and why their happiness was gone.
But with a full punch against the wall, He gave her his answer.
He`s now  a dark, large, thundercloud among her, constantly reminding her of that gloomy loss, that killer heartbreak, that back-stabbing betrayal…
All downing upon her.
She hates him. She wants to kill him, wanting to rip his heart out when she gets older.
She wishes to run away, but she can`t.
He`s forever within her body, mind, and soul, tearing her apart, shred by shred.
The anxiety and stress is overwhelming,  he knows.
But she can`t escape it. Not for a minute.
And thus, when she thinks she can’t take it no more,  she sees the knight soldier waiting to save her from all the pain and suffering.
The knight welcomed her in naturally, he has done to save people all the time.
She runs with the knight, leaving the devious monster that tore her apart from the beginning.
She is with him know, the knight called Death, saving her  from the true monster called Life.

The author's comments:

This piece describes what I feel life and death is like to some people, and I wrote this in a dark time of my life. This piece helped me overcome that dark time.

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